
In the Beginning...

This photo shows three reasons for buying this place. One is the half mile long field both for farming and driving Farmall tractors. I'll also use a narrow strip of grass for flying which was the 3ed reason to buy. Wished I still had that J-3 Cub Ed & I had back in the 1960's.
The hobbyfarm has about 4 acres
of big Cottonwoods in which the house is located. All this is on the very edge of a very small town. Click any photo to enlarge...

After the Beginning photo I'd like to start with ariving at my hobbyfarm. It's the first place on the right side after the city sign. This is Buffalo Ridge area of MN.
Welcome... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_Ridge
Now that ya turned into
my driveway, I'd like to
have ya turn around and
see the Rainbow.
A good luck image?

Buying Tractors is next...
The very first tractor I'll show is my early 1948 "C" Farmall. I drove a new "C" for threshing back in 1948. I always wanted one of my own. This "C" has low total time but looks rough. This photo is uptown taking mail to the postoffice. Has 3Pt.

Dbl Clk any Picture to enlarge
I wanted Farmall 350 but they're hard to find. This one was well used and too high priced but it had the items
I wanted. Power steering plus IPTO and fast hitch so... I bought it. Drove it 64 miles to get it back here. Nice trip on nice Spring day.
(same 3pt Blade was on C)
Well, every farm needs a
tractor with a loader? So
I bought this Farmall 300
with a loader. This 300 is
almost like my 350. Both
have fasthitch, IPTO and
power steering. This one
has a Schwartz wide front
end. Nice with a loader. High
time unit but strong engine..
Fall of 2007 I decided to
start plowing. This land is
believed to never have been plowed. It was used
for grazing a lot an lately
used just to grow hay so it
can't be called virgin soil.
But I felt I better photo
the 1st plowing... There is 80 acres real virgin land 70 mile South East of this and smaller piece 30mile South.
Dbl click "older post" lower right for more tractors...